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Custom Machined Parts for Opto-Mechanical & Laser

Aug. 22, 2019

Rollyu manufactures and supplies high precision machining components to customers in the opto mechanical & Laser sector. Some of the components included are custom Brackets, Supports, Holders, etc.

The opto-mechanical and laser technology sectors encompass a diverse range of parts and components that are crucial for the creation and management of optical systems and laser equipment. These components are foundational in numerous applications including telecommunications, medical devices, industrial machinery, and scientific research. Here’s a detailed breakdown of typical parts found within these areas:

Opto-Mechanical Components

Opto-mechanical components involve the integration of optical and mechanical elements designed to support and manipulate light within various devices. These components include:

  1. Mounts and Holders

    • Lens Mounts: Secure lenses in place and allow for       precise positioning.

    • Mirror Mounts: Used to adjust mirrors precisely for       optimal alignment.

    • Fiber Optic Mounts: Hold and protect optical fibers.

  2. Tables and Rails

    • Optical Tables: Provide a stable and vibration-free work       surface for conducting experiments or assembling optical systems.

    • Linear Translation Stages: Allow precise       linear movement to position components accurately.

  3. Gimbals and Rotators

    • Used to allow angular adjustment of components       within an optical setup.

  4. Apertures and Diaphragms

    • Control the amount of light that passes through       an optical system.

  5. Beam Splitters

    • Divide a beam of light in two or more separate       paths.

  6. Filters

    • Optical filters select light based on its       wavelength or intensity, such as IR filters, UV filters, and color       filters.

Laser Components

Laser components are specifically designed for generating, modifying, or utilizing laser light. This encompasses:

  1. Laser Sources

    • Gas Lasers: Such as CO2 lasers used for cutting and       engraving.

    • Solid-State Lasers: Like Nd:YAG lasers used in manufacturing       and medical devices.

    • Diode Lasers: Often used in fiber optic communication       and barcode readers.

  2. Optical Amplifiers

    • Boost the power of a light signal without       converting it to an electrical signal first.

  3. Q-Switches

    • Used in pulsed laser systems to control the       duration of the laser pulse.

  4. Optical Isolators

    • Allow light to pass in only one direction,       protecting laser sources from back reflections.

  5. Laser Optics

    • Mirrors: Specifically coated to reflect laser       wavelengths.

    • Lenses: Focus or expand laser beams.

    • Prisms: Redirect or split laser beams based on the       internal reflection.

  6. Laser Cooling Systems

    • Include components that manage the heat       generated by lasers, such as water or air cooling systems.

Materials and Fabrication Techniques

  • Optical Glass and Crystals: Used for lenses,      prisms, and other transparent components.

  • Metallic and Dielectric Coatings: Enhance mirror      reflectivity or allow certain wavelengths to pass through a lens or beam      splitter.

  • Ultra-Precision Machining: Used for creating      highly precise and smooth surfaces necessary for optical components.

Testing and Calibration

  • Interferometers: Measure the wavefront of light to ensure      the quality of optical surfaces.

  • Spectrometers and Power Meters: Used to analyze the      wavelength and power of laser light.


  • In telecommunications, laser and optical components      are used for data transmission via fiber optic cables.

  • In healthcare, they are deployed in various imaging      and surgical instruments.

  • In manufacturing, lasers are essential for cutting,      welding, and material processing.

These opto-mechanical and laser parts are integral to the performance and efficiency of systems in high-precision fields, requiring a deep understanding of both optical physics and mechanical engineering to design, implement, and maintain effectively.


Custom Machined Parts for opto-mechanical